Company Values

Last updated 05/26/2023 

As a company that strives to promote social justice and equality through art, RubiArt acknowledges the longstanding relationships between the land, water, and the Indigenous peoples who continue to inhabit the region historically known as Saint Marys, Ontario. This area has been home to the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak, and Attawandaron peoples since time immemorial, who have sustained their traditions and cultures through a deep connection to the land and the waterways.

We acknowledge the injustice and harm that has been inflicted upon Indigenous peoples in Canada through colonization, residential schools, and other forms of systemic oppression. We recognize the ongoing struggles of Indigenous peoples to reclaim their heritage, their lands, and their languages. We strive to support and amplify Indigenous voices and perspectives through our art and our actions.

We commit ourselves to ongoing learning, unlearning, and reconciliation, recognizing that this is a long and difficult journey. We acknowledge the privilege that comes from our settler identities and the responsibility we hold to actively challenge and dismantle the systems of oppression that continue to impact Indigenous peoples. We call on all those who engage with our art to join us in this commitment to justice and solidarity with Indigenous peoples.

At RubiArt, we are proud to be a company that values diversity and inclusivity. We are 100% committed to creating equal opportunities for artists from all backgrounds and believe that everyone has the right to pursue their creativity and passion, regardless of gender, race, sexuality, ability, age, or any other factor.

Our courses, workshops, and speaking engagements reflect this commitment to diversity and inclusion. At the heart of everything we do is a deep respect for the unique perspectives and experiences that each of our artists, collaborators, and clients bring to the table. We firmly believe that diversity in all forms is essential to fostering creativity, innovation, and artistic excellence.

As proof of our commitment to these values, we welcome individuals from all walks of life to apply for RubiArt opportunities and to join our courses and workshops. Our courses are specifically designed to reflect and celebrate the diversity of our artists, clients, and collaborators, and we work tirelessly to create a safe and welcoming environment for all who seek to explore their artistic potential.

We understand that true inclusivity requires more than just words. That's why we continuously work to ensure that our courses, collaborative workshops, hiring practices, marketing materials, and community outreach efforts are all aligned with our commitment to diversity and inclusion. We are proud to be a company that recognizes and celebrates the value of differences, and we believe that this is what sets us apart.

In short, our company values statement can be summed up in one phrase: RubiArt is committed to creating equal opportunities for all artists, regardless of who they are or where they come from. We believe that by embracing diversity and inclusivity, we can create a better and more vibrant artistic community, and we're honored to be playing a small part in that effort.